Onley Unaffiliated League 2025
Our 2025 Unaffiliated League starts in March!
With two league events a month, for Dressage and Showjumping, culminating in a Championship Weekend, August 23rd & 24th!!
Don't worry, you're still welcome to come and compete, even if you don't join the league!!

Our next Unaffiliated Showjumping competition is February 23rd

Our Next Unaffiliated Dressage competiton is March 9th

For any further information regarding the unaffiliated please contact

Unaffiliated Showjumping League
This runs from March 1st 2025 – August 24th 2025. Horse/rider combinations are eligible to compete in more than one height category.
Points: 1st = 12, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 8, 4th = 6, 5th = 4, 6th = 2. Double clear points = 2.
All combinations wishing to take part in the Onley Grounds Unaffiliated Showjumping League must register themselves as such on the website.
All combinations must declare as a Pony or Horse for separate sections. All placing and double clear points, within each class and section, will count towards placings at the End of Season Unaffiliated Championships!
With rugs, sashes hoodies and many more exciting prizes up for grabs!!
Unaffiliated Dressage League
This runs from March 1st 2025 – August 24th 2025. Horse/rider combinations are eligible to compete in more than one class.
Points: 1st = 12, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 8, 4th = 6, 5th = 4, 6th = 2.
All combinations wishing to take part in the Onley Grounds Unaffiliated Dressage League must register themselves as such on the website.
All placing and double clear points, within each class and section, will count towards placings at the End of Season Unaffiliated Championships!
With rugs, sashes hoodies and many more exciting prizes up for grabs!!